Understanding RPAC
What it IS - What it's NOT

We've all heard the term.  It shows up on your dues statement, in the weekly newsletter, at new member orientation, and at almost every membership meeting MTAR holds.

Yet, for many of our members, RPAC remains a misunderstood yet important part of YOUR day to day career in the real estate.  Because not to understand RPAC is not to understand that our government controls the real estate industry.  Our government makes laws - and those laws effect the way you do business, and how consumers can realize the American Dream of homeownership.  If Individuals cannot purchase homes due to "bad" legislation, it not only affects YOUR livelihood, but trickles down to almost every section of today's economy.

You have a stake in RPAC. 

So - let's start at the beginning!
What is a PAC?
A PAC is nothing more than a group of people who pool their resources to support candidates who support their industry.  PAC stands for Political Action Committee - with ACTION being the key word.  
PACs have been around since 1944, when the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) formed the first one to raise money for the re-election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Why Do REALTORS® need a PAC?
Well, whether we like it or not, politics is a  expensive game - and we need knowledgeable players representing us.  Don't you want someone close to the huddle when a new bill is introduced that may affect the way you do business?  
RPAC Supports Candidates who understand our industry.  RPAC helps to open doors and encourages lawmakers to keep an open mind on our issues.
Congress (our elected lawmakers) is not an expert on home sales and what is happening in the real estate industry.  WE need a voice - and that voice is NAR - and that voice is made possible by RPAC!
RPAC represents over 400,000 politically active REALTORS® that members of Congress want as their friends. Recent legislative and regulatory successes include:

••  The continued preservation of the mortgage interest deduction.
••  Tax relief benefiting the real estate industry.
••  Improving federal mortgage programs, allowing more families to join the ranks of homeownership.
••  Eliminating burdensome regulations inhibiting environmental quality and healthy real estate markets.
Doesn't RPAC mean Buying Votes?
Not only  is the buying of votes illegal and unethical, Federal Law limits all PACS to $5,000 per candidate in each election.  Simply put, the MOST RPAC could contribute to any one candidate is $5,000 in a general election and $5,000 in a primary election (and possibly another $5,000 in the rare run-off election).  With campaign cost soaring at anywhere from $2 million to $10 million on the national level, well - that's just a tiny drop in the bucket!
There are numerous reasons why potential investors do not contribute to RPAC.  

Of all the reasons, the concept of "buying votes" is perhaps the most common misconception.

RPAC-supported candidates will not always support us on every vote.  They are, however, more apt to favor our point of view that the candidate who ran against them or the incumbent who replaced them. 
How does RPAC help on the Local Level?
Only 30% of your RPAC investment goes to the Federal level.  70% stays right here in Tennessee!  TAR's Political Action Committees decide which state and local candidates to support - and MTAR's Government Affairs Committee makes their voice heard at the State Level!
The National RPAC Trustees make the final decision on what candidates are funded at the Federal level, but not without first receiving recommendations from the STATE RPAC trustees.
RPAC is Grass Roots Politics at its Best!
Is RPAC Republican or Democratic Driven?
Neither.  RPAC is completely non-partisan.  

RPAC is the REALTOR® Party.  And is therefore REALTOR® Driven!  See what Janice Carlton has to say!
In 2008, 47% of RPAC funds went to Republican Candidates, and 53% went to Democratic Candidates.  RPAC was on the winning side of 94% of the 427 political races we contributed to.
We realize that this information has just scratched the surface.  You may have more questions about RPAC.  That's good - let us know.  Hopefully, this information has made you do one thing - think about RPAC - and what it means to you. 

If you aren't investing in RPAC, then you are not in ball game - you're sitting on the sidelines, allowing others to call the plays, and even make the rules.  When that happens, you are almost sure to lose the game!
2016 Renewing Dues